Getting Listed doesn't require registration, A basic listing is Free, it takes only a few minutes, and the results could be compounding. Go for it!

First Name*


Business / Service name*

Email address*

Contact number*

Please select the category or

A brief description outlining the nature of your business

Website url / or social media page if any

Select file (logo or illustration) to upload:



Do you know anyone who may want to benefit from listing their service? They will be sent an email on your behalf.

Your message will read:


Dear [Contact Name],
I've just applied for a listing at bomoweb and have nominated for you to also be listed in Shoalhaven directory.
It may help attract additional interest to your business / venture too.
Visit Bomoweb to learn more.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

NOTE:Only input their details if you feel comfortable being associated.

Contacts name Contacts last name Contacts email address
Contacts name Contacts last name Contacts email address